

发表于:2023-03-17 21:00浏览:67次TAG:








1.Bai Z J*, Zhong H, Hu R Z, Zhu W G. 2021. World-Class Fe-Ti-V Oxide Deposits Formed in Feeder Conduits by Removing Cotectic Silicates. Economic Geology, 116(3): 681-691
2.Bai Z J*, Zhong H, Hu R Z, Zhu W G. 2020. Early sulfide saturation in arc volcanic rocks of southeast China: Implications for the formation of co-magmatic porphyry–epithermal Cu–Au deposits. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 280: 66-84
3.Bai Z J*, Zhong H, Hu R Z, Zhu W G, Hu WJ. 2019. Composition of the Chilled Marginal Rocks of the Panzhihua Layered Intrusion, Emeishan Large Igneous Province, SW China: Implications for Parental Magma Compositions, Sulfide Saturation History and Fe–Ti Oxide Mineralization. Journal of Petrology, 60(3): 619-648
4.Bai Z J, Zhong H, Li C, Zhu W G, He D F, Qi L. 2014. Contrasting Parental Magma Compositions For The Hongge And Panzhihua Magmatic Fe-Ti-V Oxide Deposits, Emeishan Large Igneous Province, Sw China. Economic Geology, 109: 1763-1785
5.Bai Z J, Zhong H*, Naldrett A J, Zhu W G, Xu G W. 2012. Whole-Rock and Mineral Composition Constraints on the Genesis of the Giant Hongge Fe-Ti-V Oxide Deposit in the Emeishan Large Igneous Province, Southwest China. Economic Geology, 107: 507-524





1.Gong C, Wang Y, Zhu W, Li W, Xu Q. 2013. Upper Miocene to Quaternary unidirectionally migrating deep-water channels in the Pearl River Mouth Basin, northern South China Sea. AAPG Bulletin, 97: 285-308
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1.He Y*, Sun S C*, Kim D Y, Jang B G, Li H P, Mao H K. 2022. Superionic iron alloys and their seismic velocities in Earth’s inner core. Nature, 602: 258–262
2.He Y *, Dai L D, Kim D Y, Li H P, Karato S I. 2021. Thermal Ionization of Hydrogen in Hydrous Olivine With Enhanced and Anisotropic Conductivity. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126, e2021JB022939
3.He Yu*, Sun S C, Li H P. 2021. Ab initio molecular dynamics investigation of the elastic properties of superionic Li2O under high temperature and pressure. Phys. Rev. B., 103:174105
4.Hou M Q*, He Yu*, Jang B G, Sun S C, Zhuang Y K, Deng L W, Tang R, Chen J H, Ke F, Meng Y, Prakapenka V B, Chen B, Shim J H, Liu J, Kim D Y, Hu Q Y, Pickard C J, Needs R J, Mao H K. 2021. Superionic iron oxide–hydroxide in Earth’s deep mantle. Nature Geoscience, 14: 174-178
5.Huang   Y W*, He Y*, Sheng H, Lu X, Dong H N, Samanta S, Dong H L, Li X F, Kim D Y, Mao H K, Liu Y Z, Li H P, Li H, Wang L*. 2019. Li-ion battery material under high pressure: amorphization and enhanced conductivity of Li4Ti5O12. National Science Review, 6:239-246





1.Hu Q, Kim D Y, Yang W, Yang L, Meng Y, Zhang L, Mao H K*. 2016. FeO2 and FeOOH under deep lower-mantle conditions and Earth’s oxygen–hydrogen cycles. Nature, 531: 241-244
2.Hu Q, Kim D Y, Liu J, Meng Y, Yang L, Zhang D, Mao W, Mao H K. 2017, Dehydrogenation of goethite in Earth’s deep lower mantle. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. 114: 1498-1501
3.Hu Q, Liu J*, Chen J, Yan B, Meng Y, Prakapenka V B, Mao W L, Mao H K*. 2021. Mineralogy of the deep lower mantle in the presence of H2O. National Science Review, 8, nwaa098
4.Hou M, He Y, Jang B G, Sun S, Zhuang Y, Deng L, Tang R, Chen J, Ke F, Meng Y, Prakapenka V B, Chen,B, Shim J H, Liu J*, Kim D K*, Hu Q*, Pickard C J, Needs R J, Mao H K. 2021. Superionic iron oxide–hydroxide in Earth’s deep mantle. Nature Geoscience, 14:174-178
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1.Hu S, Lin Y, Zhang J, Hao J, Yang W, Deng L. 2015. Measurements of water content and D/H ratio in apatite and silicate glasses using a NanoSIMS 50L. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 30: 967-978
2.Hu S, He H, Ji J, Lin Y, Hui H, Anand M, Tartese R, Yan Y, Hao J, Li R, Gu L, Guo Q, He H, Ouyang Z. 2021. A dry lunar mantle reservoir for young mare basalts of Chang'e-5. Nature, 600: 49-53
3. Ji J, He H, Hu S*, Lin Y, Hui H*, Hao J, Li R, Yang W, Yan Y, Tian H, Zhang C, Anand M, Tartèse R, Gu L, Li J, Zhang D, Mao Q, Jia L, Chen Y, Wu S, Wang H, He H, Li X, Wu F. 2022. Magmatic chlorine isotope fractionation recorded in apatite from Chang'e-5 basalts. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 591: 117636
4.Hu S, Lin Y, Zhang J, Hao J, Yamaguchi A, Zhang T, Yang W, Changela H. 2020. Volatiles in the martian crust and mantle: Clues from the NWA 6162 shergottite. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 530: 115902
5.Hu S, Lin Y, Zhang J, Hao J, Feng L, Xu L, Yang W, Yang J. 2014. NanoSIMS analyses of apatite and melt inclusions in the GRV 020090 Martian meteorite: Hydrogen isotope evidence for recent past underground hydrothermal activity on Mars. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 140: 321-333





1.Li J L, Schwarzenbach E M, John T, Ague J J, Huang F, Gao J, Klemd R, Whitehouse M J, Wang X S. 2020. Uncovering and quantifying the subduction zone sulfur cycle from the slab perspective. Nature Communications, 11: 514
2.Li J L, Klemd R, Gao J, Meyer M. 2014. Compositional zoning in dolomite from lawsonite-bearing eclogite (SW Tianshan, China): Evidence for prograde metamorphism during subduction of oceanic crust. American Mineralogist, 99: 206-217
3.Li J L, Schwarzenbach E M, John T, Ague J J, Tassara S, Gao J, Konecke B. 2021. Subduction zone sulfur mobilization and redistribution by intraslab fluid-rock interaction. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 297: 40-64
4.Li J L, Gao J, John T, Klemd R, Su W. 2013. Fluid-mediated metal transport in subduction zones and its link to arc-related giant ore deposits: Constraints from a sulfide- bearing HP vein in lawsonite eclogite (Tianshan, China). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 120: 326-362
5.Li J L, Klemd R, Gao J, John T. 2016. Poly-cyclic metamorphic evolution of eclogite: evidence for multistage burial-exhumation cycling in a subduction channel. Journal of Petrology, 57: 119-146





1.Li S, Miller C F, Tao W, Xiao W, Chew D. 2022. Role of sediment in generating contemporaneous, diverse “type” granitoid magmas. Geology, 50: 427-431
2.Li S, Chung S L, Lai Y M, Ghani A A, Lee H Y, Murtadha S. 2020. Mesozoic juvenile crustal formation in the easternmost Tethys: Zircon Hf isotopic evidence from Sumatran granitoids, Indonesia. Geology, 48: 1002-1005
3.Li S, Chung S L, Hou Z, Chew D, Wang T, Wang B, Wang Y. 2019. Early Mesozoic Magmatism Within the Tibetan Plateau: Implications for the Paleo-Tethyan Tectonic Evolution and Continental Amalgamation. Tectonics, 38: 3505-3543
4.Li S, Chung S L, Wilde S A, Jahn B M, Xiao W J, Wang T, Guo Q Q. 2017. Early-Middle Triassic high Sr/Y granitoids in the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Implications for ocean closure in accretionary orogens. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 122: 2291-2309
5.Li S, Wang T, Wilde S A, Tong Y. 2013. Evolution, source and tectonic significance of Early Mesozoic granitoid magmatism in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (central segment). Earth-Science Reviews, 126: 206-234



与请奖项目有关的主要学术成就与创新点:①系统建立了多种自然样品的自然丰度硫35 同位素分析方法,为示踪太阳活动、极端气候、大气物理和化学、冰川消融等空间、大气、表生环境过程提供了全新研究手段;②率先开展了五硫同位素综合研究,结合实验模拟,指出同位素非质量分馏效应的复杂性,提出了被前人忽略的同位素分馏过程,对进一步利用多硫多氧同位素研究太阳系原行星盘演化、行星表生环境和生命协同演化具有重要指示意义;③发现了青藏高原大气和沉积物硫酸盐中独特的多硫多氧同位素特征,揭示了高层大气和风化剥蚀对该地区表生环境的影响,提出了非质量分馏信号可作为古高度重建的潜在指标。


1.Lin M*, Thiemens M H. 2022. Cosmogenic radiosulfur tracking of solar activity and the strong and long-lasting El Ni?o events. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119(19): e2121550119 (封面论文)
2.Lin M*, Wang K, Kang S, Li Y, Fan Z, Thiemens M H. 2021. Isotopic signatures of stratospheric air at the Himalayas and beyond. Science Bulletin, 66(4): 323-326
3.Lin M*, Zhang X, Li M, Xu Y, Zhang Z, Tao J, Su B, Liu L, Shen Y*, Thiemens M H*. 2018. Five-S-isotope evidence of two distinct mass-independent sulfur isotope effects and implications for the modern and Archean atmospheres. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115 (34): 8541-8546
4.Lin M*, Kang S, Shaheen R, Li C, Hsu S C, Thiemens M H*. 2018. Atmospheric sulfur isotopic anomalies recorded at Mt. Everest across the Anthropocene. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115(27): 6964-6969
5.Lin M*, Su L, Shaheen R, Fung J C H, Thiemens M H*. 2016. Detection of deep stratospheric intrusions by cosmogenic 35S. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113(40): 11131-11136





1.Liu P P, Caricchi L, Chung S L, Li X H, Li Q L, Zhou M F, Lai Y M, Ghani A A, Sihotang T, Sheldrake T E. 2021. Growth and thermal maturation of the Toba magma reservoir. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118: e2101695118
2.Liu P P, Chung S L, Chesner C A, Gao M H, Lai Y M, Lee H Y, Yang Y H. 2022. New Insights Into the Petrogenesis of Voluminous Crustal-Signature Silicic Volcanic Rocks of the Toba Eruptions (Indonesia). Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127: e2022JB024559
3.Liu P P, Liang J, Dick H J B, Li X H, Chen Q, Zuo H Y, Wu J C. 2020. Enormous Lithium Isotopic Variations of Abyssal Peridotites Reveal Fast Cooling and Melt/Fluid-Rock Interactions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125: e2020JB020393
4.Liu P P, Teng F Z, Dick H J B, Zhou M F, Chung S L. 2017. Magnesium isotopic composition of the oceanic mantle and oceanic Mg cycling. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 206: 151-165
5.Liu P P, Zhou M F, Luais B, Cividini D, Rollion-Bard C. 2014. Disequilibrium iron isotopic fractionation during the high-temperature magmatic differentiation of the Baima Fe-Ti oxide-bearing mafic intrusion, SW China. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 399: 21-29





1.Izon G*, Luo G M*, Uveges B T, Beukes N, Kitajima K, Ono S, Valley J W, Ma X Y, Summons R E*. 2022. Bulk and grain-scale minor sulfur isotope data reveal complexities in the dynamics of Earth’s oxygenation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA, 119: e2025606119
2.Luo G M*, Junium C K, Izon G, Ono S, Beukes N J, Algeo T J, Cui Y, Xie S, Summons R E*. 2018. Nitrogen fixation sustained productivity in the wake of the Palaeoproterozoic Great Oxygenation Event. Nature Communications, 9:978
3.Luo G M*, Ono S, Beukes N J, Wang D T, Xie S C, Summons R E*. 2016. Rapid oxygenation of Earth’s atmosphere 2.33 billion years ago. Science Advances, 2: e1600134
4.Luo G M, Wang Y, Algeo T J, Kump L R, Bai X, Yang H, Yao L, Xie S*. 2011. Enhanced nitrogen fixation in the immediate aftermath of the latest Permian marine mass extinction. Geology, 39: 647-650
5.Luo G M, Kump L R, Wang Y B, Tong J N, Arthur M A, Yang H, Huang J  H, Yin H F, Xie S C*. 2010. Isotopic evidence for an anomalously low oceanic sulphate concentration following end-Permian mass extinction. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 300: 101-111





1.Ma Q, Zheng J P, Xu Y G, Griffin W L, Zhang R S. 2015. Are continental “adakites” derived from thickened or foundered lower crust? Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 419:125-133
2.Ma Q, Xu Y G. 2021. Magmatic perspective on subduction of Paleo-Pacific plate and initiation of big mantle wedge in East Asia. Earth-Science Reviews, 213:103-473
3.Ma Q, Xu Y G, Huang X L, Zheng J P, Ping X, Xia X P. 2020. Eoarchean to Paleoproterozoic crustal evolution in the North China Craton: Evidence from U-Pb and Hf-O isotopes of zircons from deep-crustal xenoliths. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 278: 94-109
4.Ma Q, Xu Y G, Zheng J P, Griffin W L, Hong L B, Ma L. 2016. Coexisting Early Cretaceous High-Mg Andesites and Adakitic Rocks in the North China Craton: the Role of Water in Intraplate Magmatism and Cratonic Destruction. Journal of Petrology, 57(7):1279-1308
5.Ma Q, Zheng J P, Griffin W L, Zhang M, Tang H Y, Su Y P, Ping X Q. 2012. Triassic “adakitic” rocks in an extensional setting (North China): Melts from the cratonic lower crust. Lithos, 149: 159-173





1.Ouyang H G*, Caulfield J. 2022. Understanding Cu deficiency and Mo enrichment in the Jurassic Zhangguangcai-Lesser Xing’an continental-arc (NE China): Insights from the Luming porphyry Mo deposit. Economic Geology, doi:10.5382/econgeo.4989

2.Ouyang H G*, Gaynor S P, Selby D, Mao J W, Shu Q H, Li C. 2022. High-precision geochronology of the Xiaojiayingzi Mo skarn deposit: Implications for prolonged and episodic hydrothermal pulses. Economic Geology, doi:10.5382/econgeo.4984

3.Ouyang H G*, Caulfield J, Mao J W, Hu R Z. 2022. Controls on the formation of porphyry Mo deposits: Insights from porphyry (-skarn) Mo deposits in northeastern China. American Mineralogist, 107: 1736-1751

4.Ouyang H G*, Mao J W, Hu R Z, Caulfield J, Zhou Z H. 2021. Controls on the metal endowment of porphyry Mo deposits: insights from the Luming porphyry Mo deposit, northeastern China. Economic Geology, 116: 1711-1735

5.Ouyang H G*, Mao J W, Hu R Z. 2020. Geochemistry and Crystallization Conditions of Magmas Related to Porphyry Mo Mineralization in Northeastern China. Economic Geology, 115: 79-100





1.Sun R Y, Yuan J J, Sonke J E, Zhang Y X, Zhang T, Zheng W, Chen S, Meng M, Chen J B, Liu Y*, Peng X T*,Liu C Q. 2020. Methylmercury produced in upper oceans accumulates in deep Mariana Trench fauna. Nature Communications, 11(1): 3389
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3.Sun R Y*, Sonke J E, Liu G J. 2016. Biogeochemical controls on mercury stable isotope compositions of world coal deposits: A review. Earth-Science Reviews, 152: 1-13
4.Sun R Y, Hintelmann H, Liu Y*, Li X H, Dimock B. 2016. Two Centuries of Coral Skeletons from the Northern South China Sea Record Mercury Emissions from Modern Chinese Wars. Environmental Science & Technology, 50(11): 5481-5488
5.Sun R Y*, Sonke J E*, Heimbürger L E, Belkin H E, Liu G J, Shome D, Cukrowska E, Liousse C, Pokrovsky O S, Streets D G. 2014. Mercury Stable Isotope Signatures of World Coal Deposits and Historical Coal Combustion Emissions. Environmental Science & Technology, 48(13): 7660-7668





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3.Wang Z C, Becker Harry. 2017. Chalcophile elements in Martian meteorites indicate low sulfur content in the Martian interior and a volatile element-depleted late veneer. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 463: 56-68
4.Wang Z C, Becker Harry, Liu Y S, Hoffmann Elis, Chen C F, Zou Z Q, Li Y. 2018. Constant Cu/Ag in upper mantle and oceanic crust: Implications for the role of cumulates during the formation of continental crust. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 493: 25-35
5.Wang Z C, Cheng H, Zong K Q, Geng X L, Liu Y S, Yang J H, Wu F Y, Becker Harry, Foley Stephen, Wang, Christina Yan. 2020. Metasomatized lithospheric mantle for Mesozoic giant gold deposits in the North China craton. Geology, 48:169-173





1.Wang H J, Ye Y T, Deng Y, Wang X M, Hammarlund E U, Fan H F, Canfield D E*, Zhang S C*. 2022. Isotope evidence for the coupled iron and carbon cycles 1.4 billion years ago. Geochemical Perspectives Letters, 21: 1-6
2.Deng Y, Wang H J*, Lyu D, Zhang F L, Gao Z Y, Ren R, Ye Y T, Lyu Y T, Wang X M, Guan P, Zhang S C. 2021. Evolution of the 1.8–1.6 Ga Yanliao and Xiong’er basins, north China Craton. Precambrian Research, 365: 106383
3.Wang H J*, Ye Y T, Deng Y, Liu Y K, Lyu Y T, Zhang F L, Wang X M, Zhang S C. 2021. Multi-element imaging of a 1.4 Ga authigenic siderite crystal. Minerals, 11(12): 1395
4.Zhang F L, Wang H J*, Ye Y T, Deng Y, Lyu Y T, Wang X M, Yu Z C, Lyu D, Lu Y Z, Zhou C M, Bi L, Deng S H, Zhang S C, Canfield D E. 2021. The environmental context of carbonaceous compressions and implications for organism preservation 1.40 Ga and 0.63 Ga. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 573: 110449
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3.Wang Y*, Xu Y G. 2020. Partial Melting of the Lower Oceanic Crust: Implications for Tracing the Slab Component in the Source of Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125: e2020JB020673
4.Wang Y*, Foley S F. 2020. The Role of Blueschist Stored in Shallow Lithosphere in the Generation of Postcollisional Orogenic Magmas. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125: e2020JB019910
5.Wang Y*, Foley S F. 2018. Hybridization Melting Between Continent-Derived Sediment and Depleted Peridotite in Subduction Zones. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth,123: 3414-3429





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2.魏源 等. 2021. 贺兰山东麓山水林田湖草生态保护修复案例研究. 北京:中国环境出版集团
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